Blubrake has presented the ABS G2, the second generation of its e‑bike‑specific anti‑lock braking system. Compared to the first version, Blubrake ABS G2 features only one unit that includes both the hydraulic actuator and the electronic control unit, for a 65% and 48% reduction in size and weight respectively. The end result is that Blubrake ABS G2 can be easily integrated into the frame, the company said, with an installation procedure that has been further simplified and now has only two electrical connectors to take care of. Like the previous version, Blubrake ABS G2 has been designed to fit inside the bicycle frame, however, it can also be installed on the fork. “Constant innovation at the service of e‑bike riders is at the core of our work,” said Fabio Todeschini, founder and general manager of Blubrake. “We have designed Blubrake ABS G2 to meet strong end‑user and manufacturer demand for greater safety, which in our case translates into prevention of accidents in dangerous conditions. “Today, thanks to the simplicity of installation and to the reduced dimensions of this new solution, manufacturers can easily integrate our ABS in their bikes to offer safer and more reliable vehicles, and a greater peace of mind in everyday mobility.”

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How it works

A system of sensors detects the speed of both front‑wheel and frame and transmits all information to the control unit. It is the control unit that detects potentially dangerous situations that can occur while braking. Under these conditions, the actuator intervenes and controls the hydraulic pressure of the front brake to ensure smooth braking and to increase the stability and manoeuvrability of the e‑bike. Blubrake ABS G2 is now available to all e‑bike manufacturers for city, trekking and mountain bike applications, for both pedelec and speed‑pedelec type.

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